Grassy Lakes Elementary
Clermont, Florida
Lake County Public Schools
- 121,825 sq. ft.
- Associated Architect: Schenkel Shultz Architecture
The impressive two story layered entry for this community school is highlighted with a clearstory and punctuated with a large scale brick colonnade directly connecting the exterior and interior architecture. Security for this user group was a key issue and as minimal entry points are provided, the arrival space is a required experience. Ramski & Company utilized materials, colors and patterns to connect entry, administration and the 942 student dining/ multipurpose space. From schematic design, the materials palette was developed and detailed for low maintenance requirements. Fixtures were selected that economically and effectively emphasized the verticality of the public spaces. The designers assisted in scaling the entry volume and connecting the spaces in the entry sequence as well as defining and connecting the public and education zones of this community school with the materials applications.