Congratulations on the Grand Opening of Kaiserslautern High School!
Between 2014 and 2018 our studio had the opportunity to work with Schenkel Shultz Architects on a high school, a middle/high school, and two elementary schools in Germany for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk (USACE Norfolk), and the Department of Defense Educational Activities Europe (DoDEA Europe).
Schenkel Shultz began this journey in schematic design and following design development passed the development of construction documentations and administration off to the German Architect of Record, Dorsch Gruppe International Consultants. Ramski & Company teamed with Schenkel Shultz to specify FF&E for this innovative and progressive high school to develop the most flexible arrangement of the furnishings. Our team believes the interior planning and the furniture specification in 21st-century schools have as much to do with the successful delivery of curriculum and learning as do the architecture. It is great to be included as one of the disciplines that enables both teaching and learning.
USACE and DoDEA are totally committed to designing, building, teaching, and learning in empowering, inspiring, collaborative learning environments.
These unique schools are designed to integrate their location’s cultures and communities. The design team was encouraged to apply lessons learned as well as to engage the community, teachers, and students as they aspire to optimum learning outcomes. We can’t wait to see the differences in these completed schools and share lessons learned with our team as their communities take ownership.
Congratulations to the entire design team; US Army Corps of Engineer, Norfolk, DoDEA Europe, Schenkel Shultz Architects, Dorsch Gruppe International Consultants, and Ramski & Company, Inc. on the successful completion of this beautiful new high school!